Google Merchant Center CSS switch – where to find approval in Google Merchant Center Next? Comparison Shopping System

Google Merchant Center Next streamlines the management of product listings and ads for online retailers, making it easier to switch between Comparison Shopping Services (CSS) like The upgrade simplifies the process of changing CSS providers. Retailers can approve a CSS switch with just a few clicks: navigate to "Settings," then to "Comparison Shopping Services," where you'll find options to switch CSS providers and approve changes.

Step 1:

Visit “General account options” in your Google Merchant Center Next account.

Google Merchant Center CSS switch - where to find approval in Google Merchant Center Next? Comparison Shopping System - - 1

Step 2:

Review the request which was sent to your account.

Google Merchant Center CSS switch - where to find approval in Google Merchant Center Next? Comparison Shopping System - - 2

Step 3:

Review and accept the request.

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