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Thank you for choosing CSS as your Comparison Shopping Services partner. Here are few things you should check BEFORE accepting the switch in your Merchant Center:
1) Be sure you have main Admin access in your Merchant Center
- prior to accepting the switch, be sure that you have full and direct admin rights to the Merchant Center you want to switch.
- If is the Merchant Center you are going to switch under Multi Merchant Center account, make sure that you also have rights given directly to sub account you are working on. This way, you can be sure that there will be no issue with access.
- If there is no direct admin in said merchant center, the switch can’t be sent to that merchant center. You will have to add at least one direct admin first.
2) Be sure you do not use any other Merchant Centers avaiable for free listings selections
- you can always have only one Merchant center selected in EU for free listings. If you have multiple, other one then current one can be selected by Google automatically and you may be forced to use different one for free listings, as only Merchant Centers which are claimed and verified can be used for CSS selection.
- if you have multiple Merchant Centers avaiable for free listings, we recommend you to opt-out from it prior to switching your CSS.
3) Be sure you have your Merchant Center connected to Google Ads account
- as there is no way we can access your Google Ads account, you have to be sure you are running the ads on your behalf. Our platform provides no way and our team can’t see what is happening inside your Google Ads account.